Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Second Life

Although my project and audio post will be on Second Life, I can't help but take a few minutes to write about the potential this has as a tool for businesses and educational institutions.

The fact that someone can create a virtual world where a person (user) can create a virtual being they control and can do anything they want (limited only by the rules of Linden Labs...the creators) is simply amazing to me. Maybe it's because I'm an old guy....I don't know. But there is some real potential to reach people here.

From an HR perspective, Second Life can be a way to reach the young people, or people interested in this technology within your organization. Imagine holding virtual benefits meetings, focus groups, day-to-day meetings, and training? Think of the time and money saved on travel alone.

It can also provide a way to get employees engaged and interested in attending meetings. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination and creativity.

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