Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ho, Ho, Hum......

Hello All:

One week to go until Christmas, and with everything that has been going on this year it has been very hard to get into the holiday spirit. I never turn on the news without hearing something bad: lay-offs, foreclosures, bank bailouts, auto bailouts, OPEC, and on-and-on-and-on. I know, this is news and the public has the right to know...and we should. But, I haven't seen one item of good news in the media for a long time. Well, unless you count Tom Cruse being humble on the Today show....touching.

I have learned from some great instructors and mentors at Drake over the past year the value of reflection. However, occasionally the reflection in the mirror is not how I envisioned it. So when I applied reflection time to this holday, I started thinking about others. About the hardships of all those who are less fortunate (financially, medically, opportunities, etc.), soldiers who are spending the holidays in another land, and their families who have to spend the holidays wondering if Mom or Dad are OK.

I guess my point is the same as many others. Just providing you insight which may or may not cause some reflection for you. Maybe if enough people would do this the country would not be in the shape it is? Who knows? Anything is possible during the holidays....right?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Community Book Club Site

I had the chance to review a site called Community Book Club (Link below), which provides you an opportunity to join and share your reflections from the various reading.

According to the site's welcome page: "The purpose of the book club web site is to provide information, tools, and discussion points to participants who are reading a book on leadership, training, management and other topics that are applicable to the corporate environment."

Reflections are captured through the use of a blog, which I have also posted the link to below. If you have trouble accessing the website, I would add a note to the blog with your email, and the leader of the group will add you to the list. If you need further assistance, please contact me and I can direct you.

I suggest you check it out if you are into the book club scene!

Community Book Club

Community Book Club Blog

Second Life Paper

As promised, I have provided a link to my paper which reflects my thoughts and research on Second Life. Please feel free to send me comments and suggestions about the paper, and please share what you have seen, read, or experienced on the subject as well.

Second Life Paper

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Governor in Trouble...

I know I promised to stay on technology for a few posts, and have done a pretty good job, but this story is just too good to pass up. I promise my next post will include something about technology, and a link to my final paper on Second Life.

I guess I could make the arguement that this is part of technology, as I read a story on it on the Internet, but that's a weak link at best. At least I gave it a try...right? Anyway, I read that the Governor of Illinois was arrested today on charges he attempted to make money by selling President-elect Obama's old Senate Seat to the highest bidder.

Just when I thought things were getting a little better: a new president, gas below $2.00, and stocks rallying some, then this. What can I say, someone is always out to make a buck....even our public servants. Not that this is anything new, especially in Illinois. Heck, if this were 1958 instead in 2008 it probably wouldn't be an issue.

Unfortunately for the governor, it is, and thankfully so. Selling a Senate seat to the highest bidder? I honestly thought we got over this type of thing years ago, and unfortunately this is probably more the norm than I care to admit. I had a police officer tell me once that there are hundreds of speeders I don't catch, but I caught you. The same goes for this incident. There are probably hundreds of backdoor deals in political offices, but we only catch one or two.

Although President-elect Obama was not connected to this in anyway, it certainly puts a damper on the start of what could be a great presidency. It makes one wonder if Mr. Obama somehow bought the seat a couple of years earlier? I certainly hope not....for all of our sakes.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Second Life PodCast / MP3

To go along with my blog post today on Second Life, I have created a PodCast to provide some additional information. Please click on the link below if you would like to listen to the PodCast.

Second Life

Second Life

Although my project and audio post will be on Second Life, I can't help but take a few minutes to write about the potential this has as a tool for businesses and educational institutions.

The fact that someone can create a virtual world where a person (user) can create a virtual being they control and can do anything they want (limited only by the rules of Linden Labs...the creators) is simply amazing to me. Maybe it's because I'm an old guy....I don't know. But there is some real potential to reach people here.

From an HR perspective, Second Life can be a way to reach the young people, or people interested in this technology within your organization. Imagine holding virtual benefits meetings, focus groups, day-to-day meetings, and training? Think of the time and money saved on travel alone.

It can also provide a way to get employees engaged and interested in attending meetings. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination and creativity.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Now I have been trying to keep this blog on the topic of emerging technology as much as possible, but I just can't contain myself on this one. This morning I get a news flash from CNN that reads, "The U.S. entered a recession in December 2007, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research." Really? No? Really? Well that's news to me....

Of all the dumb things I have seen in the news, this has to be the best....By Far! I thought it was a joke at first, then I get online and there it is again. Like it is some big news or something. The honest, hardworking people of this country have known this since December of 2007, and most likely where is the big news?

This goes to show you that the elite in the media in this country are just as bad as politicians when it comes to "getting it" as far as real people are concerned. They live in Fantasyland, attend elite parties for the rich, and only when their friends have to downgrade from a Lotus to a BMW do they really start thinking that there might be some people hurting out there...probably not, but it's nice to think they do.

What is going on with this country? Why is this news? Everyone knows what's going on, especially those who will not be able to buy much for their children this holiday season because the bread-winner(s) in the family are facing down-sizing and lay-offs. Common on people, let's wake-up and get to work fixing this problem. The more press conferences I see promising action, the more I think nothing is coming.

Where is FDR when we need him?