Saturday, November 29, 2008

It's That Time of Year Again....

Well, Thanksgiving Day has come and gone, and we are now ready to begin the homestretch to the remainder of the holiday season for 2008. The year has gone quickly, and with it the end of one political era, and the start of another. But that's all I'm going to say about that for now....

Anyway, this shopping season, and the looming economic situation make me wonder how much people are actually going to spend this year. Even more interesting is the question: Are they going to buy much of what they get online?

In recent years we have seen a significant number of people buying online, and I must admit, my family rarely buys anything for Christmas in the stores. We have been online for many years, and see no reason to stop now. But with the economic situation, there are advantages to buying in the store.

I read a number of articles about the deals retailers like Walmart and Best Buy were offering, and how people waited in line 12-24 hours in order to get one of these lost-leaders. But this doesn't come without a price, as one Walmart store clerk was killed when eager shoppers rushed the store. Wouldn't have happen online....

I'm not trying to make light of this horrible death, been am trying to point out the ignorance of it. Have we gotten to the point in our society where buying little Johnny that $350 laptop is so important that we would kill for it? It's not like caveman days when fighting for food meant living or dying. Now we are fighting over laptops in a digital age...maybe that is just as important...but I doubt it.

Come on people, technology is more important than I ever imagined and offers a wealth of possibilities. Yet, we still cling to the old Black Friday rituals of getting up at 4am in the morning, being rude to fellow shoppers, and fighting over dolls and other toys to get the spoiled little one whatever he or she wants. Strange society.....

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I am wondering also why people choose to subject themselves to the cold, tiresome, night in line at a store when they can receive a similar deal year round online. If they are willing to take the time to find parking and wait in line, they can instead take the the time to use the internet to do some research on coupon sites, sale dates, etc. and be safe and warm on Thanksgiving/black Friday. It is becoming a dangerous mob for many shopppers on this day and it is just safer to stay home and make use of technology.