Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The World Financial Crisis....Our Fault?

Well I am finally back on to do more ranting about pretty much everything. Not because I enjoy it mind you....well, I enjoy it a little, but because it's hard to believe how things in this world are going now. I read yesterday that various countries are blaming us for the world's financial crisis, and I must say that bothers me. Not because it's true, but because no one person, group, organization, or government ever takes responsibility for their actions. Yes, the financial institutions in our country made some very bad choices, but that does not mean the rest of the world had to follow us. They could have made their own decisions, and chose to stay out of the US markets. When times are good and we send money overseas in the form of aid the U.S. gets accused of meddling in other countries affairs. When we don't send money we are a cold hearted country that does not care if people starve. It's a no win situation. Now the world is going through an economic crisis, and they want to blame us for that as well.

I am not an isolationist by nature, and agree we need to help people in other countries. We just do not do enough on the world stage to pat ourselves on the back for it. We never build any political capital over our world aid, and thus we hae none to use when times are tough. We need to set a new course in regards to our overseas giving as a nation, and demand the political capital we deserve when we do help another country. We need a leader with a clear vision; one who can set a course and communicate it to the masses. I doubt we'll ever get such a person, but it is certainly nice to dream about.

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