After my last post I had someone comment to ask what the answer was to all this, and honestly I have no idea. I guess that's one of the benefits of having a can complain all you want, but never have any answers. Without sounding like a complete revolutionist I could advocate that we move to a system similar to that in England, but they have their issues as well. Could we just ask everyone to cooperate a little bit better? We could, but it wouldn't do any good.
As with many people these days, those in government keep moving the line of acceptable behavior. We always argued about the issues, but it rarely became personal. Now we have all sorts of name-calling on both sides, and it just keeps getting worse. Maybe we should adopt the mafia's, "It's not personal, it's just business" saying for government? If we did that, maybe people wouldn't feel the need to dig so deep?
Who knows? I stay in the middle of the road on most issues, so who am I to talk? Many of my friends tell me that I don't have the right to complain because I never really take a stand. I tell them that it's not that I don't have opinions, I just don't tell everyone what my opinions are when it comes to which side I'm on. I would much rather discuss issues of ethics and fairness than to call names. The big picture is a lot more important to me than who the favor-of-the-month is...and that's all this election is about.
I don't expect much from anyone who becomes president, they are crazy for wanting the job in the first place. They live at the will of Congress, and are constantly taking responsibility for things they have no control over. They make decisions based on what will get them elected, or add to their war-chest. They do nothing for the common person. Why would they? Most of them come from rich families, with no idea what it is like to struggle paycheck to paycheck.
Bottom line: When you don't know how many homes you have too much damn money!
Aging Might Not Be Inevitable
6 months ago